Dolly Dives Deep Study Guide & Art Activity Sheets

Did you like the story? What was your favorite page?

Where was Dolly born? In the shallow waters of a beautiful bay?

Where did Dolly go at the beginning of the story that required her to find her courage?

Did she swim to the edge of the bay where it’s dark and deep?

Who did Dolly swim to when she got afraid? Who helped Dolly become even more brave? Her Grandmother?  

Her grandmother taught Dolly to notice where Dolly felt fear in her body. 

Where did Dolly feel afraid in her body?  Her chest, fins, and tale?

What did her grandmother teach her to do when Dolly felt afraid? Take a deep breath?

Raised your hand if you have ever been scared?*  Who can you go to when you are afraid?

Your teacher, someone in your family?*Note:  Don’t ask when they have been scared because that might open a pandoras box of emotions, trauma or memories.

Shall we try pretending to be scared to see where we feel fear in OUR bodies?

Great!  (act out being scared:  Shoulders up and tense, shaking, moaning, chewing fingernails, etc.)

Ask the group or individual students: When you’re scared do you feel tense or relaxed? Hot or cold?  Little or big? Is your heart beating fast or slow?  Does your heart feel big or little? Is your mind busy or still?

Great job everyone.  Now let’s pretend we are dolphins and go up to the surface to take three deep breaths.  Let’s wiggle our fins and tail- or our fingers and toes.  Now let’s gently shake our shoulders.  

How does that feel?  Thumbs up if you feel like the fear went away.  Great.

Now you know what to do if you ever feel afraid to try something new, like playing a new game, or learning something new in class, or standing up in front of the class:  you can take a few dep breaths, wiggle your toes and fingers and gently shake your shoulders to feel as brave as Dolly, the dolphin!

When I get scared, I can hang out with someone I love.

When I get scared, I can take a deep breath and wiggle my fins.