Thank you for reading The Barefoot King! Here are some questions for you to ask your kids after reading the story.

 1. How did the young King get hurt at the beginning of the story?

2. Why did he stub his toe on a rock?

 3. What was his plan for making sure that would never happen to anyone again?

 4. Did his plan help or hurt the kingdom?  Were the people and animals happy about his plan? What else could he have done to protect the kingdom?

 5. What did the wise minister invite the young king to begin practicing today?  Did she want to help him train his wandering mind?

 6. What did the wise minister suggest the king do to protect himself from harm, instead of covering the land in leather? Put leather on his feet and call them shoes?

7. Did she say that training his mind to be more aware would protect him from many of life’s challenges?  Just like shoes, our minds can protect us from many of life’s harms, if we only train it.

 8.Does your mind ever wander without your permission?  What do you daydream about?

 9. Can you try to take a slow deep belly breath? Does that help you focus your wandering mind?

 10. What is an object in your life that helps you to feel safe?  Your eye glasses? Blanket? A coat? A stuffed Animal? What else? 

11. The king had ministers to help him make wise decisions. Is there a person in your life that helps you make good choices?

 With practice we can make taking slow deep breaths a new habit, so that throughout our day we can be more focused and at ease. When can you remember to take a slow deep breath? Walking down the street, in class, in the car?  Where else?

 Remember, practice makes progress!